API Reference
This is a generated API documentation.
A more sophisticated documentation is available under doc.crds.dev/github.com/projectsyn/lieutenant-operator. |
Field | Description |
SecretRef references the secret the access token is stored in |
BootstrapToken this key is used only once for Steward to register.
Field | Description |
Token is the actual token to register the cluster |
ValidUntil timespan how long the token is valid. If the token is used after this timestamp it will be rejected. |
TokenValid indicates if the token is still valid or was already used. |
Cluster is the Schema for the clusters API
Field | Description |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
ClusterSpec defines the desired state of Cluster
Field | Description |
DisplayName of cluster which could be different from metadata.name. Allows cluster renaming should it be needed. |
GitRepoURL git repository storing the cluster configuration catalog. If this is set, no gitRepoTemplate is needed. |
SSH GitHostKeys of the git server |
GitRepoTemplate template for managing the GitRepo object. |
TenantRef reference to Tenant object the cluster belongs to. |
TenantGitRepoRevision allows to configure the revision of the tenant configuration to use. It can be any git tree-ish reference. The revision from the tenant will be inherited if left empty. |
GlobalGitRepoRevision allows to configure the revision of the global configuration to use. It can be any git tree-ish reference. The revision from the tenant will be inherited if left empty. |
TokenLifetime set the token lifetime |
Facts are key/value pairs for statically configured facts |
DeletionPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR deletion. Retain: will not delete any external resources Delete: will delete the external resources Archive: will archive the external resources, if it supports that |
CreationPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR creation. Create: will only create a new external resource and will not manage already existing resources Adopt: will create a new external resource or will adopt and manage an already existing resource |
EnableCompilePipeline determines whether the gitops compile pipeline should be set up for this cluster |
CompileMeta contains information about the last compilation with Commodore.
Field | Description |
LastCompile is the time of the last successful compilation. |
CommodoreBuildInfo is the freeform build information reported by the Commodore binary used for the last compilation. |
Global contains the information of the global configuration used for the last compilation. |
Tenant contains the information of the tenant configuration used for the last compilation. |
Packages contains the information of the packages used for the last compilation. |
Instances contains the information of the component instances used for the last compilation. The key is the name of the component instance. |
CompileMetaInstanceVersionInfo contains information about the version of a component instance.
Field | Description |
URL is the URL of the git repository. |
GitSHA is the git commit SHA of the used commit. |
Version is the version of the configuration. Can point to a tag, branch or any other git reference. |
Path is the path inside the git repository where the configuration is stored. |
Component is the name of a component instance. |
CompileMetaVersionInfo contains information about the version of a configuration repo or a package.
Field | Description |
URL is the URL of the git repository. |
GitSHA is the git commit SHA of the used commit. |
Version is the version of the configuration. Can point to a tag, branch or any other git reference. |
Path is the path inside the git repository where the configuration is stored. |
Field | Description |
Enabled enables or disables the compile pipeline for this tenant |
Pipelines contains a map of filenames and file contents, specifying files which are added to the GitRepoTemplate in order to set up the automatically configured compile pipeline |
Field | Description |
Clusters contains the list of all clusters for which the automatically configured compile pipeline is enabled |
DeployKey defines an SSH key to be used for git operations.
Field | Description |
Type defines what type the key is (rsa, ed25519, etc…) |
Key is the actual key |
WriteAccess if the key has RW access or not |
EnvVar represents an environment added to the CI system of the Git repository.
Field | Description |
Name of the environment variable |
Value of the environment variable |
ValueFrom is a reference to an object that contains the value of the environment variable |
GitlabOptions contains additional options for GitLab CI variables |
Field | Description |
Description is a description of the CI variable. |
Protected will expose the variable only in protected branches and tags. |
Masked will mask the variable in the job logs. |
Raw will prevent the variable from being expanded. |
EnvVarSource represents a source for the value of an EnvVar.
Field | Description |
Selects a key of a secret in the pod’s namespace |
GitRepo is the Schema for the gitrepos API
Field | Description |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
GitRepoSpec defines the desired state of GitRepo
Field | Description |
APISecretRef reference to secret containing connection information |
DeployKeys optional list of SSH deploy keys. If not set, not deploy keys will be configured |
Path to Git repository |
RepoName name of Git repository |
RepoType specifies if a repo should be managed by the git controller. A value of 'unmanaged' means it’s not manged by the controller |
DisplayName of Git repository |
TemplateFiles is a list of files that should be pushed to the repository after its creation. |
DeletionPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR deletion. Retain: will not delete any external resources Delete: will delete the external resources Archive: will archive the external resources, if it supports that |
CreationPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR creation. Create: will only create a new external resource and will not manage already existing resources Adopt: will create a new external resource or will adopt and manage an already existing resource |
AccessToken contains configuration for storing an access token in a secret. If set, the Lieutenant operator will store an access token into this secret, which can be used to access the Git repository. The token is stored under the key "token". In the case of GitLab, this would be a Project Access Token with read-write access to the repository. |
CIVariables is a list of key-value pairs that will be set as CI variables in the Git repository. The variables are not expanded like PodSpec environment variables. |
TenantRef references the tenant this repo belongs to |
GitRepoTemplate is used for templating git repos, it does not contain the tenantRef as it will be added by the controller creating the template instance.
Field | Description |
APISecretRef reference to secret containing connection information |
DeployKeys optional list of SSH deploy keys. If not set, not deploy keys will be configured |
Path to Git repository |
RepoName name of Git repository |
RepoType specifies if a repo should be managed by the git controller. A value of 'unmanaged' means it’s not manged by the controller |
DisplayName of Git repository |
TemplateFiles is a list of files that should be pushed to the repository after its creation. |
DeletionPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR deletion. Retain: will not delete any external resources Delete: will delete the external resources Archive: will archive the external resources, if it supports that |
CreationPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR creation. Create: will only create a new external resource and will not manage already existing resources Adopt: will create a new external resource or will adopt and manage an already existing resource |
AccessToken contains configuration for storing an access token in a secret. If set, the Lieutenant operator will store an access token into this secret, which can be used to access the Git repository. The token is stored under the key "token". In the case of GitLab, this would be a Project Access Token with read-write access to the repository. |
CIVariables is a list of key-value pairs that will be set as CI variables in the Git repository. The variables are not expanded like PodSpec environment variables. |
Tenant is the Schema for the tenants API
Field | Description |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
TenantSpec defines the desired state of Tenant
Field | Description |
DisplayName is the display name of the tenant. |
GitRepoURL git repository storing the tenant configuration. If this is set, no gitRepoTemplate is needed. |
GitRepoRevision allows to configure the revision of the tenant configuration to use. It can be any git tree-ish reference. Defaults to HEAD if left empty. |
GlobalGitRepoURL git repository storing the global configuration. |
GlobalGitRepoRevision allows to configure the revision of the global configuration to use. It can be any git tree-ish reference. Defaults to HEAD if left empty. |
GitRepoTemplate Template for managing the GitRepo object. If not set, no GitRepo object will be created. |
DeletionPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR deletion. Retain: will not delete any external resources Delete: will delete the external resources Archive: will archive the external resources, if it supports that |
CreationPolicy defines how the external resources should be treated upon CR creation. Create: will only create a new external resource and will not manage already existing resources Adopt: will create a new external resource or will adopt and manage an already existing resource |
ClusterTemplate defines a template which will be used to set defaults for the clusters of this tenant. The fields within this can use Go templating. See syn.tools/lieutenant-operator/explanations/templating.html for details. |
CompilePipeline contains the configuration for the automatically configured compile pipelines on this tenant |
TenantTemplate is the Schema for the tenant templates API
Field | Description |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |
TenantTemplateList contains a list of TenantTemplate
Field | Description |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of |