Deprecation policy

This document isn’t finalized yet.

Starting with Commodore v0.5.0, deprecation and removal of Commodore features will adhere to the deprecation policy for public APIs in semantic versioning:

  • Deprecating a feature must happen in a new minor version (SemVer specification §7).

  • Deprecated features will continue to work in all patch releases of the minor version which introduces the deprecation (SemVer specification §6).

  • Deprecated features will be removed in the next major version released after the minor version which introduces the deprecation (SemVer specification §8).

In addition, Commodore will print warnings ("deprecation notices") to the standard output for all deprecated features which are used by a cluster configuration. To make the deprecation notices easy to find, they’re all collected and are printed after the catalog has been compiled.

We list all deprecation notices organized by Commodore version in the documentation.